PersDB 2011
5th International Workshop on
Personalized Access, Profile Management, and Context Awareness in Databases
September 2, 2011 - Seattle, WA
PersDB News
Sep 8: Papers and presentations in PDF format are now available.
Jul 25: Instructions for
student grants applications are now available.
Jul 21: The workshop
program is now available.
Jul 13: Camera ready
submission deadline has been extended to
July 25, 2011.
Jun 10: Paper
submission deadline has been extended to
June 16, 2011.
Jun 1: Raghu Ramakrishnan will give the PersDB 2011
May 25: Google offers a number of
travel grants for student authors of selected papers.
May 20: Paper
submission is now open.
Apr 20: CfP is now available.
Mar 24: Important
dates announced.
Mar 17: PersDB website is now online.
Topics of Interest
Contributions may describe original research, practical experiences, novel applications, and
evaluation studies.
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Modeling and profiling of personal, social and contextual information
User and community modeling
User profiling and preference elicitation
Community discovery
Social network analysis
Context modeling and identification
Personal ontology modeling
Reputation and trust models
Social knowledge modeling
Personalized, social and context-aware computing and applications
Personalization and recommendations
Personal data management
Information access and sharing techniques
Personalized mashups
Data management and organization in collaborative applications
Social reputation and recommendation systems
Online communities and social networking
Social computing
Reputation and trust management
Context-aware data management and processing
Privacy-aware computing
Intelligent browsing and navigation
Novel interfaces supporting user-generated content and social interaction
Evaluation methodologies and metrics
New database models and architectures
Personal and social databases
User-aware and context-aware data and query models
Data sharing and integration of access control policies
Adaptive database systems
Architectures for personalized privacy in databases
Multimodal ubiquitous environments
Context-aware system architectures